Archives: Cursos CI

Self-contained Breathing Apparatus

The Self-contained breathing apparatus course consists in training employees so that they will have the correct knowledge on these autonomous systems’ fundamentals, it’s different parts, their use’s advantages and cons, it’s basic functioning and how to use them in the most efficient and safe way during an eventual emergency originated at the workplace. Theory and […]

Chemical Hazards Course

The Chemical Hazards Course is aimed for all employees whose main tasks are to handle chemical products & by-products. This training  focuses in identifying standard risks or hazards which are inherent to the activity, building, facility or considered infrastructure, as well as identifying and using the correct means of protection against these risks & proceedings […]

Portable Fire Extinguishers (2h Course)

This 4 hours Portable Fire Extinguishers Course is aimed to provide the employee with advanced notions on the proper use of portable fire extinguishers (PQS, CO2, Hydric & Foam), in the event of a fire outbreak. An extensive analysis of the various types of fire extinguishers, transport methods, correct handling and activation of the equipment, […]

Second Response Intervention Teams Course

The Second Response Intervention Team members must dispose of a training in order to identify specific risks or hazards that are inherent to the activity, building, plant or considered infrastructure, as well as to identify & be acquainted with the use of specific means of protection against these risks, and to know how to procede […]

Portable Fire Extinguishers (4h Course)

This 4 hours Portable Fire Extinguishers Course is aimed to provide the employee with advanced notions on the proper use of portable fire extinguishers (PQS, CO2, Hydric & Foam), in the event of a fire outbreak. An extensive analysis of the various types of fire extinguishers, transport methods, correct handling and activation of the equipment, […]

First Responders Teams Course

The First Responders Team  must be instructed through a minimum training in identifying fire-risk situations and emergencies, first intervention before fire outbreaks, succesful occupants evacuation & first aid basics.  This training is aimed for members of a First Responders team, and is purely an establishment, activity, infrastructure or building’s manager responsibility to provide it to […]

Basic Fire Fighting Course

This Basic Fire Fighting Course consists in providing the employee with an initial training that enables him to extinguish a fire outbreak, in an efficient and safe way, and to be able to eliminate or minimise hazards. All types of fire fighting equipment will be explained, as well as extinction methods according to the fuel type […]

Curs a Mida per Empresa

El Camp disposa de molts escenaris diferents que poden reproduir tot tipus d’incendis amb combustibles sòlids, líquids i gasosos que es poden donar en qualsevol espai físic (oficines, laboratoris, vaixells, plataformes industrials, etc.) i que podem adaptar-ho en funció de la necessitat del client. Els equips i mòduls que es disposen per dur a terme […]