
Update Pack


Speed Rescue Boats Complete Refresher

Original price was: 221,00 €.Current price is: 195,00 €.

The Fast Rescue Boats course will provide knowledge to govern and take charge of a fast rescue boat in adverse weather conditions and will teach you the various types of search and rescue that can be used.

Certificate of Maritime Specialty approved by the General Directorate of the Merchant Navy (DGMM) and endorsed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).


We want inform you that our courses are in Spanish, because the Maritime Spanish Authority does not allow us to do courses in English. But our instructors can give you directions in English.

We would also like to inform you that our certificate cannot be presented at the Spanish Authority. The Spanish Maritime Authority accept a Spanish certificate if you do the initial course in Spain. But they can’t check that you have the initial certificate from another country. You will have to present our certificate to the captaincy of the country where you did your initial course

2 days

0 hours of theroy

12,5 hours of practice

Course dates

Confirmed Complete 13 February - 14 February 13/02 - 14/02 Barcelona
Confirmed 06 March - 07 March 06/03 - 07/03 Barcelona
Confirmed 10 April - 11 April 10/04 - 11/04 Barcelona
Confirmed 08 May - 09 May 08/05 - 09/05 Barcelona
Confirmed 05 June - 06 June 05/06 - 06/06 Barcelona


Dates Text

Product price: 195,00 
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The course is aimed at Captains and Bridge Officers, Chief Officers and Chief Engineers, as well as Ableseamen, Engine personnel and other crew, as long as they have been assigned with functions of handling fast rescue boats or who are in charge to handle their means of putting the boats afloat.

The program complies with the official regulations of the Resolution of September 21, 2016, in compliance with the Formation Code of the STCW-78 Convention. Its content is contained in Rule VI / 3 of the amended STCW-78 Convention, Section A-VI / 3, Table A-VI / 3 of the Training Code.

Les reserves que es cancel·lin amb un mínim de 30 dies d’antelació a la data de l’inici del curs, rebran un reembors complet. Les reserves que es cancel·lin amb un mínim de 15 dies d’antelació a la data d’inici del curs rebran un reembors del 50%.

Advanced Fire Figthing Complete Refresher Course

Original price was: 326,00 €.Current price is: 293,00 €.

This advanced Fire Fighting & Fire Prevention Course, will provide you with knowledge in fire brigade management, use and maintenance of fire fighting equipment, and safety guidelines; as well as fire prevention, protection and extinction methods.
To attain this certificate, we will practice and evaluate each assistant at our specialised Fire Field for seafarers.

Maritime Specialty Course as approved by the DGMM (Dirección General de la Marina Mercante) and endorsed by the IMO (International Maritime Organisation).


We want inform you that our courses are in Spanish, because the Maritime Spanish Authority does not allow us to do courses in English. But our instructors can give you directions in English.

We would also like to inform you that our certificate cannot be presented at the Spanish Authority. The Spanish Maritime Authority accept a Spanish certificate if you do the initial course in Spain. But they can’t check that you have the initial certificate from another country. You will have to present our certificate to the captaincy of the country where you did your initial course

1 days

0 hours of theroy

8 hours of practice

Course dates

Confirmed 14 February - 14 February 14/02 - 14/02 Manresa
Confirmed 07 March - 07 March 07/03 - 07/03 Manresa
Confirmed 11 April - 11 April 11/04 - 11/04 Manresa
Confirmed 25 April - 25 April 25/04 - 25/04 Manresa
Confirmed 09 May - 09 May 09/05 - 09/05 Manresa
Confirmed 06 June - 06 June 06/06 - 06/06 Manresa
Confirmed 04 July - 04 July 04/07 - 04/07 Manresa


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Product price: 293,00 
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This course is oriented to the following personnel:

• Masters, Chief Officers and Chief Engineers, or ETOs & ET engineers, as well as for the entire personnel on board that has been assigned with the tasks of loading or, loading equipment in tank cargo vessels.

• Masters, Chief Officers and Chief Engineers, or ETOs of merchant vessels vessels with a tonnage superior to 75 DWT.

• All crew on board merchant vessels, that according to the chart obligations and instructions in case of emergency, it been assigned to controlling and directing the fire fighting and fire prevention permanent tasks.

• Masters, Chief Officers and Chief Engineers, or ETOs of fishing vessels over 50 meter LOA LOA.

This programme fits into the official Resolution of September 21st 2016, and acts in accordance with the Training Code of the STCW-78 Convention. It's content appears in Rule VI / 2 of the amended STCW-78 Convention, Section A-VI / 1, Charts A-VI / 1-1, A-VI / 1-2, A-VI / 1-3, A -VI / 1-4 and Section B-VI / 1 of the Training Code.

Les reserves que es cancel·lin amb un mínim de 30 dies d’antelació a la data de l’inici del curs, rebran un reembors complet. Les reserves que es cancel·lin amb un mínim de 15 dies d’antelació a la data d’inici del curs rebran un reembors del 50%.

STCW Maritime Course Complete Refresher

Original price was: 330,00 €.Current price is: 287,00 €.

In this course, we will practice survival at sea drills, as well as fire detection, fire prevention and fire fighting exercises, at our specialised for seafarers Fire Fighting court.

Maritime Specialty Course as approved by the DGMM (Dirección General de la Marina Mercante) and endorsed by the IMO (International Maritime Organisation).


We want inform you that our courses are in Spanish, because the Maritime Spanish Authority does not allow us to do courses in English. But our instructors can give you directions in English.

We would also like to inform you that our certificate cannot be presented at the Spanish Authority. The Spanish Maritime Authority accept a Spanish certificate if you do the initial course in Spain. But they can’t check that you have the initial certificate from another country. You will have to present our certificate to the captaincy of the country where you did your initial course

2 days

0 hours of theroy

16 hours of practice

Course dates

Confirmed Complete 12 February - 13 February 12/02 - 13/02 Barcelona-Manresa
Confirmed 22 February - 23 February 22/02 - 23/02 Barcelona-Manresa
Confirmed 05 March - 06 March 05/03 - 06/03 Barcelona-Manresa
Confirmed 15 March - 16 March 15/03 - 16/03 Barcelona-Manresa
Confirmed 09 April - 10 April 09/04 - 10/04 Barcelona-Manresa
Confirmed 07 May - 08 May 07/05 - 08/05 Barcelona-Manresa
Confirmed 07 May - 08 May 07/05 - 08/05 Manresa-Barcelona
Confirmed 24 May - 25 May 24/05 - 25/05 Manresa-Barcelona
Confirmed 04 June - 05 June 04/06 - 05/06 Manresa-Barcelona
Confirmed 14 June - 15 June 14/06 - 15/06 Manresa-Barcelona


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Product price: 287,00 
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This course is oriented to all seafarers that work on board merchant and fishing vessels. It's also required for personnel that is in charge of safety and security chores, as well as pollution prevention vessel related operations.

This program adjusts to the official Resolution of September 21st 2016, in accordance to the Formative Code of the STCW-78 Convention. It's content appears in Rule VI / 1 of the ammended STCW-78 Convention, Section A-VI / 1, Charts A-VI / 1-1, A-VI / 1-2, and Section B-VI / 1 of the training Convention.

Les reserves que es cancel·lin amb un mínim de 30 dies d’antelació a la data de l’inici del curs, rebran un reembors complet. Les reserves que es cancel·lin amb un mínim de 15 dies d’antelació a la data d’inici del curs rebran un reembors del 50%.

Survival Crafts & Rescue Boats Complete Refresher Course

Original price was: 279,00 €.Current price is: 252,00 €.

This Survival Crafts & Rescue Boats Refresher Course will give you the knowledge to steer survival liferafts and slow rescue boats, organise the shipwreck survivors, know-how for salvage and engine repair operations, towing a liferaft, and refloating a capsized liferaft.

Maritime Specialty Course as approved by the DGMM (Dirección General de la Marina Mercante) and endorsed by the IMO (International Maritime Organisation).


We want inform you that our courses are in Spanish, because the Maritime Spanish Authority does not allow us to do courses in English. But our instructors can give you directions in English.

We would also like to inform you that our certificate cannot be presented at the Spanish Authority. The Spanish Maritime Authority accept a Spanish certificate if you do the initial course in Spain. But they can’t check that you have the initial certificate from another country. You will have to present our certificate to the captaincy of the country where you did your initial course

2 days

0 hours of theroy

12 hours of practice

Course dates

Confirmed 03 March - 04 March 03/03 - 04/03 Barcelona
Confirmed 07 April - 08 April 07/04 - 08/04 Barcelona
Confirmed 05 May - 06 May 05/05 - 06/05 Barcelona
Confirmed 02 June - 03 June 02/06 - 03/06 Barcelona


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Product price: 252,00 
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For Masters, Chief Officers and Chief Engineers of passenger vessels, merchant vessels of: Tonnage over 75 GT and fishing boats over 20 meter LOA; as well as for the entire personnel on board that has been assigned with the tasks of setting up the survival crafts and rescue boats.

This programme fits into the official Resolution of September 21st 2016, and acts in accordance to the Training Code of the STCW-78 Convention. It's content appears in Rule VI / 2 of the ammended STCW-78 Convention, Section A-VI / 2-1, Charts A-VI / 2-1, and Section B-VI / 2 of the Training Code.

Les reserves que es cancel·lin amb un mínim de 30 dies d’antelació a la data de l’inici del curs, rebran un reembors complet. Les reserves que es cancel·lin amb un mínim de 15 dies d’antelació a la data d’inici del curs rebran un reembors del 50%.

Medical Care Refresher Course

Original price was: 395,00 €.Current price is: 300,00 €.

This course will ensure that the trainee will be able to respond swiftly and with full autonomy, to all sorts of medical emergencies that can occur frequently at sea.

The credential obtained is approved by the Instituto Social de la Marina (Spanish Marine Social Security System), and it is a maritime specialty certificate issued by the IMO (International Maritime Organization).

Every item of the course is contextualized with seamanship language and given by health professionals who can certify years of experience in health training and medical emergencies.


We want inform you that our courses are in Spanish, because the Maritime Spanish Authority does not allow us to do courses in English. But our instructors can give you directions in English.

We would also like to inform you that our certificate cannot be presented at the Spanish Authority. The Spanish Maritime Authority accept a Spanish certificate if you do the initial course in Spain. But they can’t check that you have the initial certificate from another country. You will have to present our certificate to the captaincy of the country where you did your initial course

2 days

8 hours of theroy

8 hours of practice

Course dates

Confirmed 15 February - 16 February 15/02 - 16/02 PORT OLÍMPIC
Confirmed 08 March - 09 March 08/03 - 09/03 PORT OLÍMPIC
Confirmed 12 April - 13 April 12/04 - 13/04 PORT OLÍMPIC
Confirmed 10 May - 11 May 10/05 - 11/05 PORT OLÍMPIC
Confirmed 07 June - 08 June 07/06 - 08/06 PORT OLÍMPIC


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Product price: 300,00 
Total options:
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This course is directed to Masters, Officers, Skippers and all marine personnel who is in charge of the navigational watches in vessels who are requested to embark the A or B First Aid Kits, according to the dispositions of the Royal Decree (Real Decreto) 258/1999, of February 12th of the Spanish Maritime Regulations.

The program adjusts to the official regulations mentioned in Orden PRE/646/2004 of March 5th, of the Spanish Maritime Regulations, that complies with the Training Convention Code of STCW-78, in section A-VI/4, Chart A-VI/4-2 of the Training Code.

Les reserves que es cancel·lin amb un mínim de 30 dies d’antelació a la data de l’inici del curs, rebran un reembors complet. Les reserves que es cancel·lin amb un mínim de 15 dies d’antelació a la data d’inici del curs rebran un reembors del 50%.


1327 € 1260.65 €