Medical Care

Medical Care


The Advanced Health Training Course will provide all trainees with advanced sanitary knowledge required to respond in a swift and autonomical manner in all health emergencies that can occur whilst at sea. They will also get training in first-aid and basic nurse techniques, hygiene recommendations, first aid kit management and radio medical consultation language.

This credential obtained is approved by the Instituto Social de la Marina  ISM (Spanish Marine Social Security System), and it is a maritime specialty certificate issued by the IMO (International Maritime Organization).

Every item of the course is contextualized with seamanship language and given by health professionals who can certify years of experience in health training and medical emergencies.

5 days

18.50 hours of theroy

21.50 hours of practice

Course dates

Confirmed 18 November - 22 November 18/11 - 22/11 Manresa

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This course is directed to Masters, Officers, Skippers and all marine personnel who is in charge of the navigational watches in vessels who are requested to embark the A or B First Aid Kits, according to the dispositions of the Royal Decree (Real Decreto) 258/1999, of February 12th of the Spanish Maritime Regulations.

The programme adjusts to the official regulations mentioned in Orden PRE/646/2004 of March 5th, of the Spanish Maritime Regulations, that complies with the Training Convention Code of STCW-78, in section A-VI/4, Chart A-VI/4-2 of the Training Code.