

Medical First Aid

Original price was: 390,00 €.Current price is: 345,00 €.

This First Aid training course, will add to your basic knowledge to perform on board, in an autonomous way, should the event of any of the usual medical emergencies on board occur.

Maritime Specialty Course as approved by the DGMM (Dirección General de la Marina Mercante) and endorsed by the IMO (International Maritime Organisation).

3 days

11 hours of theroy

11 hours of practice

Course dates

10 March - 12 March 10/03 - 12/03 Barcelona
14 April - 16 April 14/04 - 16/04 Barcelona
26 May - 28 May 26/05 - 28/05 Barcelona
18 June - 20 June 18/06 - 20/06 Barcelona


Dates Text

Product price: 345,00 
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This course is aimed to all Masters, Chief Officers, Chief Engineers and Pilots who have been assigned with navigational watches on board vessels who are required to carry a "C-Type" First Aid Kit, as disposed by the Spanish Regulation Real Decreto 258/1999 of February 12th. It is also mandatory to attain the Spanish Professional Skipper License and Port Pilot License.

This program fits into the official norm of the Orden PRE/646/2004 of March 5th, in accordance with the STCW-78 Convention. It's content appears in Section A-VI/4, Chart A-VI/4-1 of the Training Code.

Les reserves que es cancel·lin amb un mínim de 30 dies d’antelació a la data de l’inici del curs, rebran un reembors complet. Les reserves que es cancel·lin amb un mínim de 15 dies d’antelació a la data d’inici del curs rebran un reembors del 50%.