Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Restricted Operator (GMDSS)


Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Restricted Operator (GMDSS)

550,00  490,00 

The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System General Operator (GMDSS) course, will enable the student to become qualified personnel in charge of emergency, urgency, distress and routine communications. The course provides a wide knowledge of all GMDSS equipment and procedures, on board vessels navigating in area A1 (continuous VHF DSC coverage from the SRC equipped with VHF TR). 

Maritime Specialty Course as approved by the DGMM (Dirección General de la Marina Mercante) and endorsed by the IMO (International Maritime Organisation). 

5 days

15 hours of theroy

25 hours of practice

Course dates

07 October - 11 October 07/10 - 11/10 Barcelona

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This course is oriented to all Masters, Chief Officers and crew in charge of navigational watches in civilian vessels that comply with the Global Maritime Distress & Safety System, in Maritime Area A1, in accordance with the definition that contemplates the Spanish Law Real Decreto 1185/2006 of October 16th.

This programme fits into the official norm of the Orden FOM/2296/2002 of the Spanish Law, in compliance with the Code of Training of the STCW-78 Convention. It's content appears in Rule IV/2 of the STCW-78 amended Convention, Section A-IV/2 of the Code of Training and the ERC/DEC/(99)01 regulation of the Spanish Regulation.