

Port Pilot Refresher Course (Patrón Portuario)

Original price was: 350,00 €.Current price is: 295,00 €.

The Port Pilot course aims to provide the student with the right knowledge to plan a coastal passage, perform an efficient watch, determine the position of the vessel & control the ship’s right functioning, as well as caring for the passengers on board.

Maritime Specialty Course as approved by the DGMM (Dirección General de la Marina Mercante) and endorsed by the IMO (International Maritime Organisation).


We want inform you that our courses are in Spanish, because the Maritime Spanish Authority does not allow us to do courses in English. But our instructors can give you directions in English.

We would also like to inform you that our certificate cannot be presented at the Spanish Authority. The Spanish Maritime Authority accept a Spanish certificate if you do the initial course in Spain. But they can’t check that you have the initial certificate from another country. You will have to present our certificate to the captaincy of the country where you did your initial course

2 days

16 hours of theroy

0 hours of practice

Course dates

Confirmed 20 February - 21 February 20/02 - 21/02 Barcelona
Confirmed 29 March - 30 March 29/03 - 30/03 Barcelona
Confirmed 03 April - 04 April 03/04 - 04/04 Barcelona
Confirmed 22 May - 23 May 22/05 - 23/05 Barcelona


Dates Text

Product price: 295,00 
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The students that accomplish this course, will be able to execute as pilots in merchant vessels of gross tonnage not superior to 100 DWT, in passages no farther than 3 miles from a Port and with a maximum of 150 passengers on board.

It's possible to execute simultaneously the pilot's possition and the chief engineer, as long as the vessel is equipped with the proper automatisms and the engine power is not higher than 375 kW with a single engine, or double power with two or more engines.

This programme fits into the official norm of the Spanish Law Orden FOM/2296/2002, in accordance with the Training Code of the STCW-78 Convention. It's contents appear in Section A-II/3.

Les reserves que es cancel·lin amb un mínim de 30 dies d’antelació a la data de l’inici del curs, rebran un reembors complet. Les reserves que es cancel·lin amb un mínim de 15 dies d’antelació a la data d’inici del curs rebran un reembors del 50%.