Sailing Habilitation Practice


Sailing Habilitation Practice

280,00  250,00 

In accordance with Real Decreto 875/2014 of October 10th, the Sailing Habilitation Practice must last for no less than 16 hours. These practices will be valid for the following: Patrón de Navegacion Basica (Basic Recreational Craft Skipper), Patrón de Embarcaciones de Recreo (Recreational Craft Skipper), Patrón de Yate or Capitán de Yate. 

After the compulsory 16 hours of the practice, the student will attain the certification to navigate under sail on board vessels according his license atributions. 

2 days

0 hours of theroy

16 hours of practice

Course dates

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This course allows the student to steer a vessel under sail, according to the atributions presented in the license held:
Patrón de Navegación Básica, Patrón de Embarcaciones de Recreo, Patrón de Yate o Capitán de Yate.

This programme fits into the official Regulation of Real Decreto 875/2014 of October 10th.